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What Is An Online Machine Tool Show
- May 18, 2020 -

大家都知道,由于今年流行,the machine tool industry exhibition in the first half of the year was announced to be postponed. Therefore, the online machine tool exhibition came into being. For machine tool companies, is the online machine tool exhibition a good choice?

I personally think that the essence of the exhibition is to build a platform for buyers and sellers to display and exchange transactions. In fact, the offline machine tool exhibition has been held for many years and has accumulated a large number of exhibitors and visitors. For the machine tool industry, this is a very important means of marketing and publicity. At present, it seems that online exhibitions cannot replace offline exhibitions. For a long time to come, online machine tool exhibitions and offline machine tool exhibitions will combine online and offline linkages to better serve exhibitors and visitors. Build an online and offline display and communication platform for the industry.

Offline exhibitions are more restricted by time and space, while online exhibitions will not be affected by the above problems. With the development of Internet technology, the experience of online exhibitions is no less than that of offline exhibitions. So what are the specific advantages of online exhibitions? We arrived one by one.

As an audience, you can tap the reference information you need without leaving the house, understand the first-hand information of the exhibition in real time, and communicate with exhibitors at the first time. As an exhibitor, exhibiting and exhibiting have become more convenient, saving time and effort, and greatly reducing the cost of exhibiting. Everyone presents them in the form of online pictures, videos, live broadcasts, etc., and can also achieve or even exceed the expected effect of the offline exhibition.

In the past, offline exhibitions were limited by space and space, and companies could not fully display their equipment. The online exhibition just solved this problem, and at the same time, it can also use the power of the Internet to promote the image, technology and culture of the company.

I think that online exhibition can efficiently and accurately acquire customers. Through online exhibitions, we can follow the visitor's visit traces and related information to understand their interests and intentions, so as to analyze their participation intentions. With this in mind, we can customize the corresponding marketing strategy and increase the likelihood of a single order. At the same time, the online machine tool exhibition can also be operated through upstream and downstream industry portals or communities to attract more precise users to participate in the online exhibition.

Imagine that 500 companies participated in the online machine tool exhibition, and each company connected to the company's headquarters through a camera, and presented it to the audience who wanted to know through real-time workshop live broadcast, technical explanation and other modes, creating that kind of body Immersive experience, so a large number of potential customers will be brought to the online exhibition. Really! Wanting to create a huge online audience in a relatively short period of time is no longer a fantasy.

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